How would you describe the coaching experience in three words?
Inspiring, moving, radical
What made you seek Coaching?
I did not have a specific topic or concern when I decided for coaching. It was rather this feeling that it was time to go deeper and look for support. And I knew that I wanted to get that support from Kathrin. And this is also one of the things that I would like to pass on to other women – if you feel called, if you feel somehow attracted to Kathrin – then do it. Really. Give it a try. You will not regret it. For me it was definitely 1000% right.
But to come back to your question – at that time I was in a difficult phase of my life – I had just started this new chaotic relationship and I was not really happy in my job. I was feeling confused, not really clear what my next step was – both in life and in my work. And I had all this energy that I didn’t know what to do with. Just like many other women, I felt that I had all this potential and qualifications, but somehow I didn’t know how to bring them to life. And I was afraid of it too.
So … how did it go for you?
One of the first things Kathrin helped me with was to reconnect with my own world of inner images & perception, to learn to trust it again, to see it as a gift and to use it as a source of knowledge and orientation. She showed me how to attune to myself and to consult this inner wisdom that is always there. In the past I would have run to others to receive some sort of outside validation for my own perceptions, ideas or feelings even, but through working with Kathrin I have learned to trust myself again, to tune into myself and to follow this inner voice regardless of what others think of it. I can say now “well, this might be true for you. But I feel something different to be true for me”. This is so incredibly helpful. I feel so much more confident and grounded now.
How did you know that Kathrin was the right fit for you?
On the one hand, there are the topics that Kathrin covers and which I am passionate about myself – women, conscious femininity, personal development, female spirituality, Jungian psychology, etc. The variety and depth of her knowledge really appealed to me. And then it is the way Kathrin speaks. It’s so honest and authentic. Kathrin does not talk about these topics just to impress or to show off. She has really penetrated the topics. She is living it and at the same studying them in depth. I know this because I have known her for a while now. And you can feel that in every session. Because Kathrin is right there with you. She feels with you – on such a profound level.
Like in our first session. It touched me so deeply. The session was so in flux. And don’t get me wrong, it was not a simple or superficial flowery small-talk. It was really intense, full-on and deep. But immediately after I felt this sense of aliveness. And yes, I just knew that’s it. I need that. I need more of Kathrin in my life.
What did surprise you the most about this work?
I have done so much inner work before. I really thought I have got this. But then I had so many moments in working with Kathrin where I thought “Holy S***, it feels as if I am dropping deeper and deeper here and I start to see connections between topics and things that I just haven’t seen before”. This was so moving. And liberating It changed my whole damn life for the better. And it helped me to not drown in my dramas anymore but rather understand & witness them. I stopped fighting against them and learned how to flow with them instead.
I also got so many new tools that really help me in my daily life. So the work is also really inspiring. And close to life, real life.
And then there is this incredible intuition that Kathrin has. I mean you feel like an open book in the presence of Kathrin, because she feels and sees you so deeply. And often there were moments where I thought I was fine and then a few minutes later one little question opened up a huge box of emotions that I wasn’t even aware of. But it always felt safe and healing. I never felt overwhelmed. Kathrin is very good at that.
What are you most grateful for in the work with Kathrin?
The level of presence & attunement that Kathrin brings to each and every session. Every single session I had with her was different. And yet, she has been there, fully, totally present and attuned. I could show myself from all sides, there was nothing that I had to hold back or censor out. And Kathrin was there, with so much love. And I mean, really, sooo much love. Sometimes I couldn’t believe it – that unconditional love & support that I received from her. Especially in those moments when I sat there judging myself. I’ve never felt something like that before in my life. I felt so carried, loved and held. And then… there is this fierce love.. this other side to her, her fire, her crystal-clear sharpness and her direct way of challenging you if you are not being completely honest with yourself. Sometimes it felt as if she feels and knows myself better than I do. And she can get you going – she won’t allow you to stay too long in your comfort zone. And that’s really good.
What has been your greatest progress so far? What have been your greatest breakthroughs so far?
After the first session I wrote down my intentions for this Coaching journey. And I wrote that I wanted to show myself to this world, express myself more fully, deepen my relationship and leave my job. Now we are halfway through the program, and well, I have already started a start-up, I am out of my job, I live in a loving relationship that is intensifying and deepening every day … I must say, I have had many breakthroughs at the same time (laughs). I would even say I had a major breakthrough in all of my sessions.
One example is my breakthrough on the subject of money. I wasn’t even aware of how much shame and sadness I felt when it came to spending money on myself. I realized that I even felt physical pain when I spent money on my own needs. In our work I began to see the connections between my money problems and my self-love and self-esteem. And I began to understand the ways I used my conditioned strategies and patterns to avoid this inner pain and discomfort. By shedding light on these inner dynamics and truly understanding and feeling this inner conflict, I was able to resolve it on a much deeper level. Before, I felt ashamed or numb after spending money on myself. Now I can really celebrate and enjoy it.
You called the Coaching ‘radical’ in the beginning. Could you elaborate a bit on what this means for you?
Sure, I was looking for the right word to describe my coaching experience with Kathrin. And “radical” gets to the heart of the matter. What it means to me is that this coaching goes to the root of a problem and the insights are so deep that they are transformative in themselves. There is no going back. It is not just about knowing or understanding something, but rather about experiencing a kind of felt insight that reorders and transforms you from the inside-out. This is why I call it “radical” – in the truest sense of the word.
I guess this is also something that women who are interested in working with Kathrin need to understand – this is NOT some sort of Wellness or Feel-Good Coaching. This is real stuff. This work is deep and it is going to leave you transformed. You come out as another woman. Or maybe as the woman you truly are. Kathrin guides you to your purpose & truth, which is crazy, but also into your self-responsibility.
And that means that Kathrin won’t do the work for you – you have to invest your own energy, courage and time to make it happen. The more you show up in this relationship the more you will get out of it. At least that’s what I’ve experienced.
Many women are on the fence of investing so much money, time & energy in a Coaching for themselves – what would you say to them?
If you are on the fence, let me tell you this is the best decision you can make. It is worth every penny. Of course …it’s a hell of a lot of money. And at first you might think that you can’t make it. But when you realize how much money and energy you could spend on much less important things, it becomes clear that you might as well invest it in your own development. I for myself can say that I have rarely or perhaps never felt better spending so much money. It felt like the most wisely spent money ever.
Thank you for your openness.
You’re so welcome.