How would you describe your coaching experience in three words (so far) ?
eye-opening, insightful, powerful
What was going on in your life when you decided to receive coaching with Kathrin? And why did you feel that Kathrin was the right fit for you?
I felt that the life that I had built with so much effort did not represent any longer who I really am. It felt as if I had built this life around the theme of avoiding shame and rejection. I felt lonely despite of having great friends around me. I missed having a family. My job did not feel fulfilling anymore. I also felt the call to engage in something bigger, on a bigger scale with more impact. But I struggled to find out what this could be. I hoped that Kathrin could help me find something or someone to give my whole heart to.
I decided for Kathrin because I had experienced her as a facilitator in a different setting and I really admired her work.
What were some of the emotions and feelings that you experienced before you started working with Kathrin?
I felt hungry for a change.
What has been most surprising about the Coaching with Kathrin?
I was surprised that coaching can go so deep. When we started, I didn’t know what to expect, because I imagined that coaching is about setting and achieving goals. Kathrin’s coaching is different in this respect because it is truly soulful. It helps you reconnect with this deeper part of yourself and touches on things you once knew you had but somehow forgot. It has been a journey of returning and remembering. It has absolutely helped me to come home to myself and to feel more self-compassion, joy and patience with myself.
How has the coaching journey affected your life so far? Did it make a difference? In what way?
It did make a significant difference in how I relate to myself and to life itself. It has been a process of healing and awakening to my own truth. I am on my side now. And that changes everything.
I have understood where I had abandoned myself in the past and where I had run on autopilot. And I have become so clear on what matters to me. It is like a compass and map in one. I also feel much better equipped to deal with what life might bring to me in the future. I feel more space within and around myself to be fully myself. And I am much more conscious in what I do and why I do it. What I like the most is that I learned to trust the unfolding of life which frees me of rushing into immediate action. I would say I have become wiser in the process.
What do you consider your greatest or deepest insight or breakthrough so far?
There were quite a few. But I would say the most significant insight was that life actually speaks to me. It was one of the first things that Kathrin said to me. She asked me what might happen if I’d allow life to speak to me. This sentence was a revelation for me. And it made me curious. I started to learn how to be an attentive listener to life. I found that life is not only speaking to me but it is also responding to my needs and wishes. Life truly becomes magical once you start to see that. Since then I experience life through a different lens. It has become a book that I both read and write at the same time.
How is Kathrin’s Coaching different from other support that you have received in the past?
It is transformational.. It helps you expand your awareness and surfaces what is lying deep inside.
How would you describe Kathrin as a Coach?
Very dedicated. She attunes to you deeply and she really cares. She is so sensitive to what shows up in the process and she is able to flow with it in a professional and powerful way. Kathrin is also really smart and knowledgeable. It is something that I admire deeply about her, her effortless way to bridge science and spirituality and to build connections between what is learned and what is intuitive. It is an incredible skill that I would love to learn myself. It is very inspiring.
What fascinates you about Kathrin as a personality?
Her positive vibes. She is just so positive. You can tell that she loves life, that she loves people and that she loves what she does. Not in a superficial way. But from deep inside. It is so beautiful. This is actually a source of inspiration for anybody and everybody. It is contagious. It is an embodied lesson that she teaches by just being herself. The way she speaks, the ways she smiles, the ways she looks at you, the way she communicates. It is so positive. And I absolutely love that. A lot of people would judge someone so positive as not smart enough to see the complexity of life. But I disagree. I think it takes a lot of wisdom to choose joy. And she exudes joy. It feels so good to be in her presence.
Thank you Olga